Monday, November 30, 2009
" We All Have AIDS..."
As a kid a red ribbon used to mean " Choice for me - drug free..."
And then I moved to New York City and the red ribbon had a new meaning.
For the first time I met people living with HIV/AIDS. People that became my friends, friends that became a part of my life - friends who sadly left my life because of the virus.
I was just a kid when the AIDS epidemic first happened in the 80s -- I can only read about it and hear the stories from friends of mine who lost their entire circle of friends,partners, and family. But I know that this epidemic is not over - we are still fighting.
December 1st is World AIDS Day. It's a day to remember those who we've lost to HIV/AIDS, to those who are living with HIV/AIDS and to raise awareness on how to prevent people from getting the virus.
I don't update this blog very much but something "inside" me wanted to do this.. I think we should all think about this virus...
Think about the stigma that comes with it..
how to prevent it..
how to take care of yourself if you have it..
lend support to those around us who have it..
and to know that the face of HIV/AIDS
I once saw a t-shirt that said - " We All Have AIDS."
something to think about this World AIDS Day 2009.
Get tested.
Monday, November 9, 2009
I had to help my mother with something on a site that requires a username and password so I offered to log in for her.
"Mom, I will NOT mess with your account! I promise! What's your password?"
" Are you sure Michael? "
"Yes! Of course! What's the password?"
( at that moment I knew that I needed to go home to visit..soon. )
"Mom, I will NOT mess with your account! I promise! What's your password?"
" Are you sure Michael? "
"Yes! Of course! What's the password?"
( at that moment I knew that I needed to go home to visit..soon. )
Sunday, July 19, 2009
"The SODOMITE SPIRIT", Betty and Michael...
Last year when I was traveling/campaigning for Hillary Clinton during the Primaries - I traveled to Rapid City, South Dakota.
I was so excited because I had never been that far West at the time and I loved going to scary places knocking on doors of rednecks asking them to vote for Hillary ( even if they threatened to shoot me with their shotgun behind the couch ) True Story.
When you travel out of state campaigns try and get you "volunteer housing" which means you stay in someone's house who supports the person you are campaigning for.
Well, I was put in contact with Betty. Ms. Betty Gordon of Rapid City, SD. I landed in Rapid City 4 hours late at 2am in the midst of huge rain storm. I got my rental car and tried to follow the directions Betty had given me to her house. They were so wrong. I remember pulling over and crying because I was so damn scared and had no idea where I was.
I arrived at her house ( she lived in a retirement village in the Black Hills ) at around 4:30am. She was about 60-65 years old. A pleasant looking woman. She greeted me with wide eyes and a pot roast she had cooked for me earlier in the night. I went right to bed. I had to get up at 8am to start head to the campaign office.
After a long day knocking on doors - I headed back to Betty's. I had dinner and we started talking.
And here is where things get all crazy.
It turns out Betty had visions from God about Barack Obama. God showed her that Obama was sniffing cocaine in the oval office while the world went up in flames.
She then went on to ask me when I was getting married and having kids. ( at this moment, I was like - does she know that I AM GAY? Maybe she does - gay people get "married" and have kids.. but something told me she had NO IDEA that I was gay. - Are you laughing yet? I AM SO GAYYYYYYYYYYYY - oh Betty )
The next day, I left her place told her that the campaign office needed someone to stay there and checked into the best hotel in Rapid City - The Super 8.
Anyway, I made the biggest mistake by giving her my email address. Since last year she has sent me some pretty crazy shit/rants about politics and visions from God and all that jazz. BUT today I got one that really pissed me off - so much that I emailed her back and told her to leave me the fuck alone. Allow me to give you the first sentence of the email:
"The SODOMITE SPIRIT has bought the United States to an open shame."
She sends me an email about how being gay is horrible and how the Hate Crimes act is a bunch of shit and against God blah blah blah.
Anyway, I need to go to bed but I am so happy knowing that Betty Gordon from South Dakota is out of my life.. forever.
Full Email Below - Have fun
he SODOMITE SPIRIT has bought the United States to an open shame. It is a deceiver that blinds the minds of the people to see the truth, reject it and act according to their feelings controlled by the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the eyes, the pride of life and the things of this world system as well as pollute and corrupt all that is holy. As a result, the people as an act of their own will reject God and His Word as the existing truth and initiate action based on the word of another (same technique used in the Garden of Eden). Hate Crimes Law and same sex marriage partners getting same benefits as male and female true husbands and wives with children.
The U.S. Senate passed legislation July 16: The Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes Prevention Act gained approval as an amendment to a Department of Defense authorization bill, which is expected to be voted on the week of July 20-24. The amendment would add "sexual orientation" and "gender identity" to the current categories -- such as religion and national origin -- protected from hate crimes. "Sexual orientation" includes homosexuality and bisexuality, while "gender identity," or transgendered status, takes in transsexuals and cross-dressers. The Senate measure says a person commits a hate crime when he "willfully causes bodily injury to any person or, through the use of fire, a firearm, a dangerous weapon, or an explosive or incendiary device, attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability of any person."The penalty for a hate crime could be as much as 10 years in prison or, in some cases, up to a life sentence. What has hate crimes to do with F22 fighters needed in a time of war to defend this country? Nothing! It was used to guarantee passage of the Bill while increasing the possibility of the people of God being unjustly penalized by the government for faithfulness to God and His Word.
Most baptized born again Christians were previously master sinners by nature who broke all the laws of God. It was those hell and fire and brimstone messages that caused them to repent. There should be another amendment that says if people attend church and feel their feelings are hurt by the sermons preached from the Bible that it is an indication that they are guilty of sin and are being condemned by their own spirit. They should acknowledge it and repent, turn from their wicked ways, confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in their heart God raised Him from the dead that they may be saved from the wrath to come. Then be baptized for the remission of sins and born again of the water and of the Holy Spirit of that same God who created the heavens and the earth and by His Spirit hovered over the waters and said “Let there be light.” Then they will be new creations in Christ Jesus empowered to live a different lifestyle in truth and righteousness as they are led by the Holy Spirit and the laws are in their heart..
The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, ratified on December 15, 1791 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Freedom of religion is a fundamental right/principle that supports the freedom of an individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance; the concept is generally recognized also to include the freedom to change religion or not to follow any religion. Thomas Jefferson once said "among the inestimable of our blessings, also, is that ...of liberty to worship our Creator in the way we think most agreeable to His will; ..."
Homosexuals, lesbians, transgender, pedophiles, cross dressers, those who lay with beasts, bound by other kinky inordinate affections do not feel remorse they want acceptance on their own terms: attend church, call themselves Christians, listen to messages that don’t hurt their feelings and continue a lifestyle of sin openly because they have a made of mind that they are not about to change. It is written in I John 3, “…sin is lawlessness.” “He who sins is of the devil,.. The Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed [Holy Spirit] remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God…” As it pertains to hate crimes, “Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murdered has eternal life abiding in him.”
The backsliding apostate Episcopal Church confirmed they will continue to ordain homosexual and lesbian clergy and bishops living openly in sin with partners; and then rewrite scripture to show marriage is not just between a male and a female and bless same sex marriages. They are following some other god because the true and living God created mankind as male and female then separated them into two individuals and joined them together again in Holy Marriage Covenant that is ratified where virgin male and female have sexual intercourse for the first time and blood flows; and their combined DNA produces children of their own kind. Later a law was established that says “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them” [Leviticus 20:13]. Then God goes on to say that the cowardly or fearful, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral/whoremongers, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21:8
The truth is the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness. “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting; being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil –mindedness; they are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful; who knowing the righteous judgment to God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:24-32)
It’s appointed to man once to die and then comes the judgment. The dead, small and great, stand before God, and the books are opened as well as the Book of Life and the dead are judged according to their works by the things which were written in the Books. Satan, the beasts and false prophet who deceived the people are first to be cast in the lake of fire. Then the sea, Death and Hades delivers the dead who were in them and they are judged each one according to his works. Then Death and Hades are cast into the lake of fire. Anyone not found written in the Book of Life is cast into the lake of fire. The cowardly/fearful, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death [Revelation 20:12-15, 21:8].
Thursday, July 2, 2009
My Thriller dance!
my roommate and my future ex husband - Matthew and I got drunk tonight and decided to dance.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Susan Boyle is Jesus
This screen grab of her singing MEMORY on Britain's Got Talent proves it.
The Halo. The Rays of lights behind her. The clouds. Her outstretched arms.
Sorry, I know this is totally lame and I wanted to write about the Prop 8 ruling in CA today but I need to just take a step back from that for now because I'm so frustrated.
So this is my step back - Susan Boyle is Jesus.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
My American Idol?
I'm torn.
I found myself on the edge of my couch tonight watching American Idol.
I also found myself jumping up and clapping ( screaming ) when Kris was announced he would be in the finals.
The top 2 - Adam Lambert and Kris Allen.
Here is my internal struggle - ( Don't laugh, you know I'm dramatic )
Kris Allen - I like his voice. I like the fact he took a Kayne West song and made it sound new. I love that he takes risks. I love that he probably has shopped in Park Plaza Mall in Little Rock, that he knows what Burns Park is and has attended Riverfest. I love that he has cheese dip for life. I also can't wait until his ballads fill my ipod. ( did I mention that I LOVE ballads? ) There is something about his interaction with his parents that make me miss mine.
Adam Lambert - Yes, He can sing. Do I LOVE his voice? Yes and No. Would I buy his album? Probably (or I would search on itunes for the songs that sound like ballads) But what really has me torn is this - Adam Lambert is gay. He is gay as the day is long. There is something totally awesome to me that the next American Idol could be gay. It brings out this emotion inside me that I really can't explain except that it makes me excited and proud.
Call me a dork. Call me lame. Tell me I need to get a life --- but this season of American Idol -- has me "feeling things"
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
ahem, F*ck You very very much!
I just found this awesome video on youtube.
It's Lily Allen's song - Fuck You.
Its a video of various people singing lip syncing the song and it's geared to those anti-gay haters.
oh.. and fuck you!
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is midieval
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Do you get
Do you get a little kick of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval your after
Well that's not how you find it
Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch
Monday, May 4, 2009
Miss CA - Topless Hypocrite SINNER in PINK panties! natch.
Here I am surfin' the internet trying to calm down so I can go to bed AND LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND ( via a blog I read )
MISS California IS A SINNER!!!
and not just any sinner but A DAMN TOPLESS SINNER!!! That hypocrite posed topless!!!
I'm so happy that I can't type this fast enough.
Click here for the pics:
And here from Access Hollywood :
My friend Lauren just sent me the BEST IM after I sent her the link. It explains it ALL :
"i believe in my country, my family, that jesus loves slutbag photos."
and fake tits
and fake teeth
and lips
and hair
and skin color"
ps. i hope this shit doesn't turn out fake
miss california,
there is a God,
topless sinner
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Michael Loves His Mom
I love my mom.
I admire her for her love and understanding and openness with having two gay sons.
I love her for accepting me and my brother for who we really are even though it goes against everything her being Catholic and the Bible has taught her. I can only imagine the battles she has had with that.
It makes me proud to have a Mom that understands that LOVE is LOVE and LOVE does not discriminate.
The other day we were talking on the phone and I mentioned to her this list that was released of Arkansas voters who signed the petition to get the Act on the ballot so that Gays and even Single parents cannot adopt children in Arkansas.
We sat there and discussed some of the names that I found on the list.
* A friend of my parents who I've known since I was a little boy. Their daughters used to babysit me as a kid.
* A friend of Mom's that continues to go to the same church as she does. I've also known this person since I was a little boy. When I was in Arkansas for Easter a couple weeks ago - I saw this person. She embraced me with a big hug and smile.
* A few family members - not immediate but still family.
I am sure there are a ton of other people on that list that my family knows.
I wonder if people really think about things like this. People who are against equality for all - do they think about all those people that they might know and how it could affect them and their families. Do people really ever think outside of what they are brought up to believe?
This is just one of the many reasons why I love my Mom. I honestly feel like she has opened her heart and mind - despite her surroundings and everything she has been taught.
Check out her recent Facebook status:
Wanda D Armstrong - Kudos to mylie cyrus for what she said on the internet about gay marriages. LOVE is LOVE.
Thanks Mom.
Happy Early Mother's Day
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Miss California - Tells Perez Hilton and USA - Not for Gay Marriage -
Tonight at the Miss USA pageant it was between Miss North Carolina and Miss California.
In the final moments Miss California drew a judges name from the bowl and it was none other than Perez HIlton.
He asked her about gay marriage. See the clip above.
Notice how it ALMOST turns into a Miss Teen South Carlolina moment when she calls Heterosexual marriage - "Opposite marriage".
Can't wait to see what he draws all over her face tomorrow on his blog!!
Oh and she lost. Only second runner up - I guess now she will know what it feels like to be second class. Ironic.
"a gathering storm" - and the bigots began to twitch!
After Iowa and Vermont legalized same sex marriage the National Organization for Marriage released a commercial condemning the decision.
They said a "gathering storm" was a comin'!
Watch out Dorothy! And you were there and you and you and..
The video is just plain ridiculous and I find it very humorous. The Human Rights Campaign somehow obtained the audition tapes for the commerical and published them showing that the people who are supposed to be REAL people not actors are really...wait for it.. ACTORS! Those videos have since been taken down from youtube because of a copyright issue with the crazy bigots.
Anyway, in this Sunday's Times there was an OpEd piece written by Frank Rich. You should really read it. Here is the link - link
Here is how Mr. Rich ends the article:
It is justice, not a storm, that is gathering. Only those who have spread the poisons of bigotry and fear have any reason to be afraid.
*ps. go to youtube and search for "gathering storm" and catch out all the hilarious spoofs on the video. my fav is the "its raining men" song mixed in with the commerical. loves it 4-eva!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Passive Aggressive Roommate Communication
Tonight, I wanted a snack.
I went into the kitchen cabinet to get a bag of MY popcorn and guess what? That shit was gone!
and so I left the note ( pictured above ) on the dry erase board in the kitchen ( yes, we have one of those ) And yes, I dug the popcorn bag out of the trash can and taped the mofo shit on the damn wall next to the note!!!
**disclaimer - I am by no means the perfect roommate. We all make mistakes. Not washing dishes sometimes, leaving my shoes in the middle of the living room so you can trip on them... BUT EATING SOMEONE'S POPCORN!!! GASP. NEVER.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
2008 : I Miss You. - 2009 : Do I like you?
While my new episode of Season 2 of Gossip Girl downloads on itunes - I thought I would take a second to update you on what has been happening in my life since the last post.
hmmmmmmmmmm not much really.
Well, I guess that's it. Wait no - actually there is something that I would like to say..
I miss last year. I miss that last year at this time there was an election going on and I was getting involved. Last year I felt this passion that I had not felt before in my life. I don't know where it came from and it was really an amazing experience. I miss that. I feel like last year was an important year for me because of my growth as a person. Campaigning for Hillary and Obama really changed my life in a way that I didn't realize until it was all gone. If you know me you know that time was an awesome time. That's all I talked about ( and sometimes still do ) I met some amazing people and had some unforgettable experiences. Knocking on all those doors as far as South Dakota talking to voters - hearing their stories - telling them mine...
So what does all this mean? I am trying to figure all of that out. What do I do next? Friends are telling me that I need to work for a campaign or something like that but is that what I really want to do? I feel like I am finally getting settled into a steady career.
I just got back from Upstate NY. I knocked on doors for Scott Murphy who is trying to win Kirsten Gillibrand congressional seat. ( she replaced Hillary in the Senate ) I was among people that were around my age and who obviously shared my passion about trying to make a difference in our country. Have you ever had that experience? Where you are around a group of people that share the same passion and drive for something? It's fucking amazing - and I didn't feel this for the first time until last year during the election.
( just checked my download of Gossip Girl, 10 minutes left )
( gulp of my merlot )
What do I do? When do I do it? More importantly - do I do it?
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
American Orgasm/Lambert
Seriously, I had to run out of my living room and stop watching American Idol so I could write this:
( Adam Lambert finishes an AMAZING performance and the crowd goes wild )
Paula Abdul: Take it - Take it all in Adam!
My thoughts about that: Oh Honey! I am sure he can TAKE IT - TAKE IT ALL IN.
I am very intrigued about Adam and how this will play out with his sexuality. Will America really care he's gay?
In other American Idol thoughts:
Paula was on some serious shit tonight. As the night went on, her voice became more shaky and her thoughts all crazy and her dancing out of her chair out of control.
I swear she had like 3 ( maybe 4 ) orgasms tonight on the show.
And if Kara says the fucking word - RADIO - one more time , Imma gonna cut someone.
Same goes for Randy calling EVERYONE "Man" and "Dog" After 8 seasons, that shit gets old.
I usually agree with Simon but only because he kind of reminds me of my gay uncle.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
My weekend via Video and Beyonce's dress
Well, another weekend has come and gone. And like all the rest of them - they aren't ever long enough.
I think there are 3 things that I would like to share with you about this weekend.
I was visiting a friend in Jersey City saturday and went inside a 99 cent store and look what I found!!!
Beyonce's dress that she wore to the Oscars!
Friday was Audrey's birthday so we went out to celebrate. See the interview below. Yes, I was very drunk and my speech is slurring and it's hard to understand what I am saying at times but whatever.
It wouldn't be a night out with me if I didn't burst into showtunes while walking around the East Village.
Thanks LD,BO for the vids.
I think there are 3 things that I would like to share with you about this weekend.
I was visiting a friend in Jersey City saturday and went inside a 99 cent store and look what I found!!!
Beyonce's dress that she wore to the Oscars!
Friday was Audrey's birthday so we went out to celebrate. See the interview below. Yes, I was very drunk and my speech is slurring and it's hard to understand what I am saying at times but whatever.
It wouldn't be a night out with me if I didn't burst into showtunes while walking around the East Village.
Thanks LD,BO for the vids.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tuesday Night - Random Thoughts.
I had a great unexpected night tonight.
I was supposed to go see Hedda Gabler with Mary Louise Parker but she wasn't in the show tonight so I switched my tickets.
This night had a lot of random thoughts for me.... so here I go.. random.
Random #1
I was on the subway home and as much as I would like to have fallen asleep - I couldn't. I was listening ( eavesdropping ) on these two teenage girls.
Girl #1- ( she pulls out a piece of loose leaf paper that she had written on ( remember that? ) ( she starts to mumble something to the other girl and I get frustrated because I can't understand what she is reading and I even consider getting up and going to stand beside her but I figure this might be a bit odd. ) mumble mumble ( and then I hear something she says )
"He takes my hand.. my life.. he kisses my lips..he holds me.."
Girl #2- ( she looks at her friend with awe ) Wow, you should be a poet!
Girl #1- "I know, right?! Listen to this one! ( she pulls out another piece of paper )
I close my eyes and smile.
Random #2
I emailed my brother today to ask how he was doing. He replied "SOS" I asked him what that meant - he replied- "Same ole shit"
Fast Forward to Happy Hour when I explained this to my friend. Rihanna's "SOS" was playing in the background. Ironic? Maybe? Nah.
Random #3
I had a conversation tonight about - Ego's. Do we ever actually think about what that word really means? Do we sometimes mistake our ego for our insecurities?
Am I a judgmental person? Yes, I think I am. But I hate to be judged. ( hypocrite )What does that mean? I'll get back to you?
Random #4
This recent obsession with Kanye West is strange. Part of it has to do with me working on a project involving him at work. But does this mean that I don't always open my eyes to the things that are already around me and just shut them out without giving them a chance? Does this go back to me being judgmental? Hmm..
Random #4-b
For those of us who live in NYC. Why is it so damn hard for us to make friends here? Why is there this wall between people? And do you ever feel like this City doesn't want you here? That it does everything to make you leave and that you have to fight to stay here?
Random #5
Why does it bother me so much that I am single? Am I really ready for a relationship? Or is it just wanting something that I don't have and when I get it - I won't want it?
Random #6
It really bothers me that I listened to Kelly Clarksons' new cd on vh1 today. ( It isn't out in stores yet but there is a sneak peek - listen here ) This new album was horrible. It feels like she is struggling to find out what her "voice" is and who she is. Why is it a bit comforting to see someone with fame and money having problems finding out who they are?
end scene.
Monday, March 2, 2009
best facebook comment EVER.. and Adam....
I had so much to write about tonight - a weekend without internet, saturday night etc.
I even wanted to write about how these pictures of American Shitshow/Idol contestant Adam Lambert surfaced today. and how my theory proved he was a bottom!
BUT WAIT - The point of this is this -
The best comment I have ever gotten on Facebook.
AND for an extra bonus for tonight - this amazing picture of Adam Lambert in DRAG!
You better WORK!
I even wanted to write about how these pictures of American Shitshow/Idol contestant Adam Lambert surfaced today. and how my theory proved he was a bottom!
BUT WAIT - The point of this is this -
The best comment I have ever gotten on Facebook.
AND for an extra bonus for tonight - this amazing picture of Adam Lambert in DRAG!
You better WORK!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Arkansas gots yo back.
While I was out at what could easily be called the MOST FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE -GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME- dinner tonight - America voted and here is who they chose.
These bitches made the cut tonight on American Shitshow.
And then something happened YA'LL!!!! KRIS ALLEN MADE IT!
Kris Allen is from a city named Conway. Can you guess where that city is?
Bill, Hillary and I will make sure you at least make it to #2 like Hillary did. ( you might have a debt of about 10 million! ) After that, Kris, we cannot promise shit. You are on your own. Show that charming Arkansas accent, talk about how Conway, AR has a Sonic and you will be golden.
The wine is telling me it's bedtime.
In true American Shitshow fashion - here is the song I am listening to as I get ready for bed - song
These bitches made the cut tonight on American Shitshow.
And then something happened YA'LL!!!! KRIS ALLEN MADE IT!
Kris Allen is from a city named Conway. Can you guess where that city is?
Bill, Hillary and I will make sure you at least make it to #2 like Hillary did. ( you might have a debt of about 10 million! ) After that, Kris, we cannot promise shit. You are on your own. Show that charming Arkansas accent, talk about how Conway, AR has a Sonic and you will be golden.
The wine is telling me it's bedtime.
In true American Shitshow fashion - here is the song I am listening to as I get ready for bed - song
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
American (Un) Idol
I was going to write about the total shit show fuckery that was American Idol tonight but that shit was so boring.
After American Shitshow, I went to my ON DEMAND menu. ( ok, I lied. I poured about 2 glasses of wine and checked my facebook about 5 times and THEN I went to my ON DEMAND menu ) Anyway...
For some reason I decided to watch the other shithow/movie - W.
Jesus Christ. The theme tonight is total fuckery. I thought I might enjoy this movie but I couldn't even finish it. It was like one of those really bad SNL skits that come on around 12:45am.
I guess the big problem I had with the movie were the actors playing the parts.
I could deal with sexy Josh Brolin playing W. ( Even though, the real W. could never be sexy )
What I couldn't deal with was the following:
Elizabeth Banks playing Laura Bush. Watching FRED CLAUS ruined this shit for me. How could a fucking elf be Laura Bush?
The next was Toby Jones playing Karl Rove. How the fuck can you go from playing Truman Capote to this asshole?
And then we have Richard Dreyfuss playing Dick Cheney. Really? REALLY? Mr. Holland Opus playing the biggest dickhead in the world? Not believable - at all.
One of my favorite actresses Ellen Burstyn playing the big cocked Barbara Bush - bullshit. You know Ellen has to be hard up for a role to play to be in this movie. I mean, the only thing she had even close to Laura Bush was that white hair and the pearls. Ellen should stick to shit like Requiem for a Dream.
The part that really had me screaming in my pajamas was Condelezza Rice. HOLD THE FUCK ON - That's Thandie Newton????!!! I loved her in CRASH and now she did this horrible SNL -ish over the top Rice? I cringed everytime she opened her mouth.
Sigh. I couldn't finish this movie. I really REALLY wanted to finish it but the wine wouldn't let me.
** Dance break ** I am listening to JAI HO.
Ok, I'm back. Anyway, I couldn't finish that shit.
But I have a bigger problem.
Is Adam Lambert a bottom?
After American Shitshow, I went to my ON DEMAND menu. ( ok, I lied. I poured about 2 glasses of wine and checked my facebook about 5 times and THEN I went to my ON DEMAND menu ) Anyway...
For some reason I decided to watch the other shithow/movie - W.
Jesus Christ. The theme tonight is total fuckery. I thought I might enjoy this movie but I couldn't even finish it. It was like one of those really bad SNL skits that come on around 12:45am.
I guess the big problem I had with the movie were the actors playing the parts.
I could deal with sexy Josh Brolin playing W. ( Even though, the real W. could never be sexy )
What I couldn't deal with was the following:
Elizabeth Banks playing Laura Bush. Watching FRED CLAUS ruined this shit for me. How could a fucking elf be Laura Bush?
The next was Toby Jones playing Karl Rove. How the fuck can you go from playing Truman Capote to this asshole?
And then we have Richard Dreyfuss playing Dick Cheney. Really? REALLY? Mr. Holland Opus playing the biggest dickhead in the world? Not believable - at all.
One of my favorite actresses Ellen Burstyn playing the big cocked Barbara Bush - bullshit. You know Ellen has to be hard up for a role to play to be in this movie. I mean, the only thing she had even close to Laura Bush was that white hair and the pearls. Ellen should stick to shit like Requiem for a Dream.
The part that really had me screaming in my pajamas was Condelezza Rice. HOLD THE FUCK ON - That's Thandie Newton????!!! I loved her in CRASH and now she did this horrible SNL -ish over the top Rice? I cringed everytime she opened her mouth.
Sigh. I couldn't finish this movie. I really REALLY wanted to finish it but the wine wouldn't let me.
** Dance break ** I am listening to JAI HO.
Ok, I'm back. Anyway, I couldn't finish that shit.
But I have a bigger problem.
Is Adam Lambert a bottom?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Serious Blog Post, Drinks and Best Friends
I just realized that I don't have a "serious" post on this blog. Some will argue that I am not a "serious" or "sewious" person - But that's not entirely true. There is a big part about me that is "serious".
It was an interesing day at work to say the least. There were plans of going out for Mardi Gras but those were sacked and as I left work at 7pm ( Thanks Kanye ) I texted my roommate Matt. For those of you out there who don't know who Matt is - he is my roommate but also - what I consider my best friend. We both are from Little Rock and have known each other for about 12 years. He has spent Christmas with me and my family back in Arkansas and knows them well.
Things between us have lately have been rocky. We have been through a lot. Good friends always go through a lot. But lately - there has been a major disconnect. I won't go into details - that isn't fair to Matthew. But let's just say that tonight was meant to be.
We went to dinner and fate put us next to two ladies who would help open up the conversation between us. It was one of those New York City moments. Little did I know that at the end of the conversation with these two ladies that one of them would be Marvelyn Brown. Check her story - Marveyln Brown
After dinner Matt and I headed out for a couple more drinks at a bar named Barrage. After laughing and both agreeing that the guy next to us was "tiny" and that this bar needed an overdue makeover - we filled out these.
Matt's =
"Tell me why I should call you - Because I'm a great guy with a big cock! J/k! No seriously, I am fun, smart and I think we will have a great time!"
Michael's =
"Tell me why I should call you - b/c if you don't the next time I c u out, I'll talk shit about you to everyone in the room."
I'm glad this night happened.
And somehow - the night ended with Matt taking these pics of me.
Again, I'm glad this night happened.
It was an interesing day at work to say the least. There were plans of going out for Mardi Gras but those were sacked and as I left work at 7pm ( Thanks Kanye ) I texted my roommate Matt. For those of you out there who don't know who Matt is - he is my roommate but also - what I consider my best friend. We both are from Little Rock and have known each other for about 12 years. He has spent Christmas with me and my family back in Arkansas and knows them well.
Things between us have lately have been rocky. We have been through a lot. Good friends always go through a lot. But lately - there has been a major disconnect. I won't go into details - that isn't fair to Matthew. But let's just say that tonight was meant to be.
We went to dinner and fate put us next to two ladies who would help open up the conversation between us. It was one of those New York City moments. Little did I know that at the end of the conversation with these two ladies that one of them would be Marvelyn Brown. Check her story - Marveyln Brown
After dinner Matt and I headed out for a couple more drinks at a bar named Barrage. After laughing and both agreeing that the guy next to us was "tiny" and that this bar needed an overdue makeover - we filled out these.
Matt's =
"Tell me why I should call you - Because I'm a great guy with a big cock! J/k! No seriously, I am fun, smart and I think we will have a great time!"
Michael's =
"Tell me why I should call you - b/c if you don't the next time I c u out, I'll talk shit about you to everyone in the room."
I'm glad this night happened.
And somehow - the night ended with Matt taking these pics of me.
Again, I'm glad this night happened.
Today's Afternoon Snack
Monday, February 23, 2009
Oscars, gays and Sean Penn
I enjoyed the Oscar's last night. Yes, at times it felt like the Tony awards but for someone who loves Musicals - that isn't so bad!
The 1st highlight of the evening was when screenwriter Dustin Lance Black ( my future husband ) won for Best Original Screenplay for MILK. His speech was amazing. He went on to say -
"Most of all, if Harvey had not been taken from us 30 years ago, I think he'd want me to say to all of the gay and lesbian kids out there tonight who have been told they are less than by their churches, or by the government, or by their families, that you are beautiful, wonderful creatures of value. And that no matter what everyone tells you, God does love you, and that very soon, I promise you, you will have equal rights federally across this great nation of ours."
Very touching.
The 2nd highlight of my evening was when Sean Penn won for Best Actor for his portrayal of Harvey Milk. I know a lot of people thought Mickey Rourke deserved this but so did Sean Penn. Penn took the time in his speech to say a little something about the protests that were happening outside the Oscars. The nutjobs from Westboro Baptist church were behind all of that. Those are the disgusting pictures above.( photos from Snapshotboy from Flickr )
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Live Blogging the Oscars!
Hey Friends!
I will be part of the live blogging team blogging the Oscars tonight starting around 7pm - Eastern on
Check it out and Comment and enjoy!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Dogs and the POWER of Facebook!!!
I love dogs.
There are times when I wish I had one - but I don't think I am at the right spot in my life where I can take care of one the way I want too.
But - I love dogs.
Which brings me to the Westminster Dog Show. A new best in show was crowned last night and the winner is.........
I didn't watch the show ( hell, I didn't even know it was on until this morning when I got to work and I heard people talking about it )
Stump has to be the most adorable dog. He is 10 years old and just fucking adorable.
Since I am obsessed with Facebook ( and I wanted to do a little experiment ) - I decided to create a fan page for Stump the Sussex Spaniel.
(I apologize to my co-workers who had to hear about this page and Stump the entire day)
I created the page at around 11am and now its 11pm and Stump has 160 fans!!!!!!!
Can you believe that shit? My little fan page on facebook for Stump is getting that many fans!!
I think the best part are the comments that people have posted on the wall for Stump.
One has to think about if they really think that Stump is sitting his ass down in front of his macbook pro and creating his own damn facebook page. I bet they do.
Here are a few comments that I adore that were left on "Stumps" facebook page:
"Congrats. You never know about an older dog and new tricks. You are certainly a handsome pup!"
"We older souls salute you Stump. You're our hero!"
"i knew you would do it, kept your eyes right on the judge as she walked by."
"Excellent job, Stump! Now you can go back into retirement with a wonderful accolade. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?"
"WTG STUMP! Westminster Rocks for recognizing a seasoned professional like you! I LOVE the Senior Sweeties!"
"Congrats Stump from your cousin Princess!!"
love it.
* if you care to become a fan of Stump here is how to do it -
type - Stump the Sussex Spaniel in the search box on facebook.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Here I am trying to relax and get ready for bed when I read a blog and find the clip above.
It's a commerical for a Leather store obviously in Upstate New York.
And obviously they HATE Hillary Clinton.
Blaming her for the lose of jobs while she was "out running for President for an entire year"
Seriously, I am not sure how the fuck this has to do with someone wanting to buy a fucking leather jacket. This douche bag needs to take that fucking tux off and go play in traffic. He even goes as far as ripping up a cardboard cutout. What IS IT WITH PEOPLE AND cardboard cutouts of Hillary?!
And who the fuck are those girls in the background?!!! why does the girl on the left holding her purse so damn tight? And who the fuck is the peepaw next to her?
Just a couple of things of why this guy is a dumbass:
Dumbass: "When you run for President - you gotta run for a freakin' year?!"
Michael: Fuck yea you do, asshole. The first fucking caucus is in January! and the damn election is in November. So what does that equal? A FUCKING YEAR!
ok, Yes, I understand people have a right to be upset about what they wish but does this dumbass realize that there was another Senator from NY - Chuck Schumer? Why not get on his ass?
It took everything in me not to pick up my cell phone and call this asshole's number and tell him to suck my cock.
I bet you this jerk does another commercial from the parking lot of his store ( when that shit closes ) blaming Obama for not fixing the economy fast enough.
* excuse my nasty mouth - this pissed me off and I had a glass of wine and sang Evita show tunes at a piano bar tonight.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
the only time i would ever vote republican..
ok, so that will probably never happen.
But this morning I was browsing the Huffington Post and came across this stupid poll about who the hottest new freshman in Congress.
and then I saw him.
Aaron Schock. 27 years old. Newly elected Congressman from IL.
So yes, I probably wouldn't ever vote for a republican but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't have sex with one.
I am sure I already have at some point.
Aaron, I will be waiting for you in the bathroom stall of an airport where I am sure you will be found with every other republican senator/congressman/man.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Oh the campaigns are over....
Barack Obama is our new President! woo!
I will be posting about my experience while in Washington, DC for the inauguration with pictures very soon - I promise.
But in the meantime, Here is what I will miss about the political campaigns of 2008.
( insert sarcasm - and yes, i LOVE hillary but the video below is probably why she lost to Obama )
I will be posting about my experience while in Washington, DC for the inauguration with pictures very soon - I promise.
But in the meantime, Here is what I will miss about the political campaigns of 2008.
( insert sarcasm - and yes, i LOVE hillary but the video below is probably why she lost to Obama )
Thursday, January 15, 2009
bye bye Bush!
Yeah, So I decide for some strange reason that only the wine can tell you - to watch President's final farewell blah blah yadda ya on CNN.
The first thing I want to do when I hear it is vomit. ( shutup, I did not have that much to drink ) but you know why I want to vomit. Because every time this man opens his mouth i hear.
The second thing I think to do when I hear his voice is to do this:
The first thing I want to do when I hear it is vomit. ( shutup, I did not have that much to drink ) but you know why I want to vomit. Because every time this man opens his mouth i hear.
The second thing I think to do when I hear his voice is to do this:
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
As the World ( does after gay sex scene ) Turns
Well, us - the gays - might not be able to get married yet but at least we are advancing on soap opera's!
As the World Turns aired the 1st "after gay sex " scene ever on a soap opera yesterday.
What does this mean exactly? Who knows?
Well, to one youtube commenter it means this:
"im also glad that they are masculine, because it shows that any man can be gay. Lets people see that you don't have to be a feminine man to be gay, you can be a masculine one too, it gets rid of stereotyping."
So again, what does this mean? Who knows?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
so i get this present...
Sunday, January 11, 2009
golden globes: Britney's new single & Jolie's snub.
Although it was pretty much an uneventful night except for Drew Barrymore's wreck of hair, watching the Globes with friends was enjoyable tribute to the cinema.
I only have 2 things to say about tonight:
I saw Slumdog Millionaire twice this weekend. IT IS AMAZING. Get your ass off the computer and go see it. I love the score from this movie.
After seeing the movie twice and watching it win everything at the Globes, I have decided this - since Britney is back she needs to take a song from the film's ending credits and do it.
Jai Ho. Can't you just imagine her breaking this dance down?
And the other thing -
I really wanted Anne Hathaway to win for Rachel getting married but I am not upset that Kate Winslet won for Revolutionary Road ( i saw the movie and loved it, most didn't ) but Kate has been nominated ( 5 Oscars )for a shit ton of stuff and just doesn't win.
Anyway, She won two awards tonight. Best actress AND Best supporting actress. Go Kate. Watch her acceptance speech below for Best actress and watch her snub the snob that is - Angelina Jolie. LOVE IT. This is also a very adorable and honest acceptance speech from Winslet. I heart her.
Although it was pretty much an uneventful night except for Drew Barrymore's wreck of hair, watching the Globes with friends was enjoyable tribute to the cinema.
I only have 2 things to say about tonight:
I saw Slumdog Millionaire twice this weekend. IT IS AMAZING. Get your ass off the computer and go see it. I love the score from this movie.
After seeing the movie twice and watching it win everything at the Globes, I have decided this - since Britney is back she needs to take a song from the film's ending credits and do it.
Jai Ho. Can't you just imagine her breaking this dance down?
And the other thing -
I really wanted Anne Hathaway to win for Rachel getting married but I am not upset that Kate Winslet won for Revolutionary Road ( i saw the movie and loved it, most didn't ) but Kate has been nominated ( 5 Oscars )for a shit ton of stuff and just doesn't win.
Anyway, She won two awards tonight. Best actress AND Best supporting actress. Go Kate. Watch her acceptance speech below for Best actress and watch her snub the snob that is - Angelina Jolie. LOVE IT. This is also a very adorable and honest acceptance speech from Winslet. I heart her.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Bill Clinton: " I love this rug!"
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Friday, January 2, 2009
Me : 20 years ago.
ok. So no, this really isn't me BUT if Britney was around when I was this kid's age and youtube existed. THIS WOULD BE ME!
Watch the entire clip.
Thanks LD!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
" I don't go to your job and knock the dicks out of your mouth!"
Happy New Year!!
I just rolled out of bed and I am happy to report that I don't feel like a truck hit me on the 1st day of 2009.
I am going to share my thoughts on the past year when I get sit down and put those thoughts in order.. BUT in the meantime.
Kathy Griffin co-hosted CNN's New Year's Eve special last night with Anderson Cooper.
In the clip below they are bantering back and forth and is it me or does Mr. Cooper let his real self come out for a few seconds.
He calls Kathy , "Honey," which I swore could have been followed by a couple finger snaps in the air.
and then watch/listen what Kathy tells Andy boy once the video cuts to a commercial and the audio is still on.
I just rolled out of bed and I am happy to report that I don't feel like a truck hit me on the 1st day of 2009.
I am going to share my thoughts on the past year when I get sit down and put those thoughts in order.. BUT in the meantime.
Kathy Griffin co-hosted CNN's New Year's Eve special last night with Anderson Cooper.
In the clip below they are bantering back and forth and is it me or does Mr. Cooper let his real self come out for a few seconds.
He calls Kathy , "Honey," which I swore could have been followed by a couple finger snaps in the air.
and then watch/listen what Kathy tells Andy boy once the video cuts to a commercial and the audio is still on.
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