Seriously, I had to run out of my living room and stop watching American Idol so I could write this:
( Adam Lambert finishes an AMAZING performance and the crowd goes wild )
Paula Abdul: Take it - Take it all in Adam!
My thoughts about that: Oh Honey! I am sure he can TAKE IT - TAKE IT ALL IN.
I am very intrigued about Adam and how this will play out with his sexuality. Will America really care he's gay?
In other American Idol thoughts:
Paula was on some serious shit tonight. As the night went on, her voice became more shaky and her thoughts all crazy and her dancing out of her chair out of control.
I swear she had like 3 ( maybe 4 ) orgasms tonight on the show.
And if Kara says the fucking word - RADIO - one more time , Imma gonna cut someone.
Same goes for Randy calling EVERYONE "Man" and "Dog" After 8 seasons, that shit gets old.
I usually agree with Simon but only because he kind of reminds me of my gay uncle.
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