Watch this clip of a guy who took this video in Oakland, CA. It gets good around the 1:30 mark. Watch until the end.
It's about Prop 8 in CA about legalizing gay marriage.
Can I give my true feelings on this?
First of all that nasty woman is asked what her position is on prop 8 and she responds : " What is my position?" UM DUH. YOUR POSITION IS SITTING ON YOUR FAT ASS! sorry uncalled for. I know
I kind of have an issue when people ( like the one's in the video) who do not fit the "norm" ( african americans, latino's, and any other group of people who are not white ) that protest against another group of people that has struggle much like themselves. It shows that they really do not understand what they are opposing. Their argument is that gay people aren't born gay and they can control it.
Yeah, That makes so much sense. I woke up one day and was like " Gee, I would love to be called a FAG and made fun of in elementary school and walk down the street and have someone yell FAG"
I also chose to live a life where I do not get the same rights as every other American Citizen.
Basically, I have no fun in my life and being gay is a way to spice things up.
Listen people . I chose to be gay the same way you chose to be your race.
Some people might consider what I am saying "Racist" It's not. Its my frustration with people not having/understand
Allow me to define it for you:Empathy - is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.
So there you have it-
My rant. My sadness, My frustration.
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