Thursday, October 30, 2008
Cher talks Barack
Yes, Cher is still around. The video above proves it and the bitch still looks fierce! I bet she has her own private entrance to her plastic surgery place because she goes so much.
Cher speaks out about the election.
She tells she has been alive for 11 presidents. Come on, we all know she will be alive for the next 300. Why? Because at the end of time all that will be left will be Cher and cockroaches.
Cher, you better rock the fuck out of her BARACK THE VOTE shirt you have on with those arm glove thingys you are wearing.
Here is the text of the interview.
BILLY BUSH: If you don't open that right side of the jacket it just says, "Rack The Vote."
CHER: Okay but now you can see what it says.
BUSH: Yes "Barack, Barack The Vote."
CHER: Yes.
BUSH: So not off to the Palin rally?
CHER: Oh no. No, that would, I would, that would only be in my nightmares.
BARACK OBAMA: And you and I together we are gonna change the country and change the world.
CHER: You know he's by far the best candidate. And, and the Republicans. I don't know I'm an independent but I just don't think I could ever vote for a Republican. I guess maybe it would depend on the person but I just think our views are diametrically opposed. I was telling someone, I've been alive for 11 presidents and I feel that this is the worst time I've ever seen. You know? And the, and the country is so divided. And it's still gonna be divided but I honestly think there are some people that are healing people and there are some people like this President we have right now, that are just, you know he says, he's the Big Decider, but I think he's the Big Divider.
Besides taking our country back, restoring our standing in the world, and everything else..
I think the best part I am going to love about Election day is that the people in the video above will go ape shit nuts ( not in a good way ) when Obama wins.
I will be drinking my glass of champagne and laughing my ass off.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
We interrupt this program to bring you Obama's message.
(cue the amber waves of grain) or is that wheat?
(cue the American flags waving)
(cue the African Americans)
(cue the white folks, the babies, the latino's)
(51 second mark cue - Obama's own version of the rustic version of the Oval office - ( picture frames, bay window, desk)
I may have blond hair but Obama recorded this video back in March.
*Moments I loved
The bumper ( window ) sticker of the family. Can you imagine if you were Morman? That damn thing would take up the entire window plus the bumper!
2:23 -
OBAMA -"She bought a house outside of the city so her kids could attend GOOD schools."
MICHAEL - Wait, so school's INSIDE of the city aren't any good?
(cue the woman's 5,067 kids eating at the dinner table)
(cue medical problem of woman's husband that will make all of us weep)
2:50 -
She shows us her refrigerato.
3:11( cue the son's football team. make it appeal to the South and Middle America )
She remembers a time when she didn't have to worry about this stuff
hmm... during President Clinton's years? k.thnx.bye.
3:50 * this totally could win an Oscar! *
4:25 OBAMA- "The bottom fell out" that's what she said
I cannot do this for the entire 30 minutes Obama talked. I have had way to many drinks and here is the bottom line.
WOO! Go O! You were able to buy prime time TV! BUT you said nothing new and it seemed like this shit was directed by some Hollywood liberal ( who I love )
Basically, not sure how many people this actually convinced but it had to be done.
Props to Obama for making his campaign a campaign of current day.
* a logo that is almost as good as the Nike logo
* primetime tv before the fucking world series
* a rockstar approach
an AMAZING approach.
Let's do this shit.
And to those friends out there who are only voting Republican because "your family is and God this and against abortion this and gay people that"
ps. don't you think for one second this bitch didn't cry during this obamainfromerical.
Don't fuck with Nancy Grace ( she will rip you a new one! )
I remember back in 2003 when Nancy " don't fuck with me" Grace became famous for the Laci Peterson/Scott Peterson Murder. She used to rip everyone a new asshole on Larry King. I used to think that she was going to hurt poor fragile Larry. I swear one time I saw her head turn totally around and spew green stuff out of her mouth.
Anyway, Watch the clip above of her interviewing the mother of the guy they have in custody for the murder's of Jennifer Hudson's family.
She gets REALLY spicy around the 4:50 mark.
I think her having a child has made her even more bitchy.
Love it!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
is that an actual question?
This is some good shit.
I love when dumbass news people make a fool of themselves on TV. It makes things so much more exciting.
The clip above - is just that. A FL anchorwoman ( who is married to a well known republican strategist ) decided to ask Joe Biden a couple of wonky ( and funny ) questions.
Watch how Biden answers her. I suggest watching the video starting 2:10 minutes into it until the end.
and then if you wish write the station and tell them to put a bag over that woman's head next time she goes on air.
Sound off here
Friday, October 24, 2008
I just don't get it.
Watch this clip of a guy who took this video in Oakland, CA. It gets good around the 1:30 mark. Watch until the end.
It's about Prop 8 in CA about legalizing gay marriage.
Can I give my true feelings on this?
First of all that nasty woman is asked what her position is on prop 8 and she responds : " What is my position?" UM DUH. YOUR POSITION IS SITTING ON YOUR FAT ASS! sorry uncalled for. I know
I kind of have an issue when people ( like the one's in the video) who do not fit the "norm" ( african americans, latino's, and any other group of people who are not white ) that protest against another group of people that has struggle much like themselves. It shows that they really do not understand what they are opposing. Their argument is that gay people aren't born gay and they can control it.
Yeah, That makes so much sense. I woke up one day and was like " Gee, I would love to be called a FAG and made fun of in elementary school and walk down the street and have someone yell FAG"
I also chose to live a life where I do not get the same rights as every other American Citizen.
Basically, I have no fun in my life and being gay is a way to spice things up.
Listen people . I chose to be gay the same way you chose to be your race.
Some people might consider what I am saying "Racist" It's not. Its my frustration with people not having/understand
Allow me to define it for you:Empathy - is the capacity to recognize or understand another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself.
So there you have it-
My rant. My sadness, My frustration.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Words to live by

I need to print this shit out and blow up into a poster and put it all over my apartment and on the wall in my office.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I need my picture with Obama

I am sure this won't happen. Especially after he is elected.
But it would look so nice next to my 4,000 pictures I have with Hillary in my Hillary shrine located inside my closet at home.
My shrine consists of all newspaper clippings of Hillary over the past year. My hand cramps sometimes from having to cut out all of those and I barely got any sleep during the primary season. That woman was in like every major newspaper 4 times a day!
Besides all the newspapers clipping that are glued to my wall closet I have all 4,000 pictures of me and her framed hanging over the clippings. You might be asking yourself how all of this fits inside my closet. Well, I have a huge ass closet and I have moved all my clothes out of it.
When I come home, I open my closet/shrine door and turn on the light. Of course, I leave a candle burning constantly 24/7. After I turn the light on - I hit play on the cd player I have mounted on the wall so I can play the audio version of her memior "Living History" I then shut the door because I know how Hillary likes to hear herself talk.
At night when I go to bed. I open the door ( and yes, that damn book is still playing. It's 8 hours long! ) and tell Hill goodnight and that I love her.
note: i am totally kidding.
Do you ever think about...

Celebs pooping?
No seriously, I think about this sometimes.
When I am not thinking about what bar to hit after work or how I can get Britney Spears phone number.. I think about celebs pooping.
Just today I was at lunch with a friend and this conversation came up.
me: Do you ever think about Hillary Clinton taking a poop?
me: oh ok.
I guess it's just hard to imagine someone like Julia Roberts going into the bathroom to poop. It makes the untouchable celebs human.. at least it does in my mind..
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