This screen grab of her singing MEMORY on Britain's Got Talent proves it.
The Halo. The Rays of lights behind her. The clouds. Her outstretched arms.
Sorry, I know this is totally lame and I wanted to write about the Prop 8 ruling in CA today but I need to just take a step back from that for now because I'm so frustrated.
I found myself on the edge of my couch tonight watching American Idol.
I also found myself jumping up and clapping ( screaming ) when Kris was announced he would be in the finals.
The top 2 - Adam Lambert and Kris Allen.
Here is my internal struggle - ( Don't laugh, you know I'm dramatic )
Kris Allen - I like his voice. I like the fact he took a Kayne West song and made it sound new. I love that he takes risks. I love that he probably has shopped in Park Plaza Mall in Little Rock, that he knows what Burns Park is and has attended Riverfest. I love that he has cheese dip for life. I also can't wait until his ballads fill my ipod. ( did I mention that I LOVE ballads? ) There is something about his interaction with his parents that make me miss mine.
Adam Lambert - Yes, He can sing. Do I LOVE his voice? Yes and No. Would I buy his album? Probably (or I would search on itunes for the songs that sound like ballads) But what really has me torn is this - Adam Lambert is gay. He is gay as the day is long. There is something totally awesome to me that the next American Idol could be gay. It brings out this emotion inside me that I really can't explain except that it makes me excited and proud.
Call me a dork. Call me lame. Tell me I need to get a life --- but this season of American Idol -- has me "feeling things"
Its a video of various people singing lip syncing the song and it's geared to those anti-gay haters.
oh.. and fuck you!
Look inside Look inside your tiny mind Now look a bit harder Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
So you say It's not okay to be gay Well I think you're just evil You're just some racist who can't tie my laces Your point of view is midieval
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate And it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch
Do you get Do you get a little kick of being slow minded? You want to be like your father It's approval your after Well that's not how you find it
Do you Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful? Cause there's a hole where your soul should be Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch
Look inside Look inside your tiny mind Now look a bit harder Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause we hate what you do And we hate your whole crew So please don't stay in touch
Fuck you Fuck you very, very much Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late So please don't stay in touch
I admire her for her love and understanding and openness with having two gay sons.
I love her for accepting me and my brother for who we really are even though it goes against everything her being Catholic and the Bible has taught her. I can only imagine the battles she has had with that.
It makes me proud to have a Mom that understands that LOVE is LOVE and LOVE does not discriminate.
The other day we were talking on the phone and I mentioned to her this list that was released of Arkansas voters who signed the petition to get the Act on the ballot so that Gays and even Single parents cannot adopt children in Arkansas.
We sat there and discussed some of the names that I found on the list.
* A friend of my parents who I've known since I was a little boy. Their daughters used to babysit me as a kid.
* A friend of Mom's that continues to go to the same church as she does. I've also known this person since I was a little boy. When I was in Arkansas for Easter a couple weeks ago - I saw this person. She embraced me with a big hug and smile.
* A few family members - not immediate but still family.
I am sure there are a ton of other people on that list that my family knows. I wonder if people really think about things like this. People who are against equality for all - do they think about all those people that they might know and how it could affect them and their families. Do people really ever think outside of what they are brought up to believe?
This is just one of the many reasons why I love my Mom. I honestly feel like she has opened her heart and mind - despite her surroundings and everything she has been taught.
Check out her recent Facebook status:
Wanda D Armstrong - Kudos to mylie cyrus for what she said on the internet about gay marriages. LOVE is LOVE.