I was going to write about the total shit show fuckery that was American Idol tonight but that shit was so boring.
After American Shitshow, I went to my ON DEMAND menu. ( ok, I lied. I poured about 2 glasses of wine and checked my facebook about 5 times and THEN I went to my ON DEMAND menu ) Anyway...
For some reason I decided to watch the other shithow/movie - W.
Jesus Christ. The theme tonight is total fuckery. I thought I might enjoy this movie but I couldn't even finish it. It was like one of those really bad SNL skits that come on around 12:45am.
I guess the big problem I had with the movie were the actors playing the parts.
I could deal with sexy Josh Brolin playing W. ( Even though, the real W. could never be sexy )
What I couldn't deal with was the following:
Elizabeth Banks playing Laura Bush. Watching FRED CLAUS ruined this shit for me. How could a fucking elf be Laura Bush?

The next was Toby Jones playing Karl Rove. How the fuck can you go from playing Truman Capote to this asshole?

And then we have Richard Dreyfuss playing Dick Cheney. Really? REALLY? Mr. Holland Opus playing the biggest dickhead in the world? Not believable - at all.

One of my favorite actresses Ellen Burstyn playing the big cocked Barbara Bush - bullshit. You know Ellen has to be hard up for a role to play to be in this movie. I mean, the only thing she had even close to Laura Bush was that white hair and the pearls. Ellen should stick to shit like Requiem for a Dream.

The part that really had me screaming in my pajamas was Condelezza Rice. HOLD THE FUCK ON - That's Thandie Newton????!!! I loved her in CRASH and now she did this horrible SNL -ish over the top Rice? I cringed everytime she opened her mouth.

Sigh. I couldn't finish this movie. I really REALLY wanted to finish it but the wine wouldn't let me.
** Dance break ** I am listening to JAI HO.
Ok, I'm back. Anyway, I couldn't finish that shit.
But I have a bigger problem.
Is Adam Lambert a bottom?