Saturday, November 22, 2008

Forever in History..I shall be.

I am sure you have heard me talk on and on about the time I was behind Hillary Clinton during her "almost concession " speech.

Even Jimmy Kimmel talked about me on his show.
30 second mark.


A friend sent me a messege on facebook the other night saying they saw me on CNN. With all the talk about Hil being Secretary of State they are playing old clips.

and tonight, I am watching CNN and I see myself. again. Watch below.

And here is the shirt I wore that night. I should frame this damn thing and donate the shit to the Smithsonian. It could be on display next to Judy Garland's shoes from The Wizard of Oz.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of my palce in history as I was the one who gave you that shirt. It was, after all, the perfect gift.